Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians

Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians Information

Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians Nation, located near the north end of the Salton Sea was federally recognized in 1891 and combined two Desert Cahuilla communities, the Torres and Martinez. A school house and teacher’s cottage built in 1907 saved children from an 8-mile-long walk to the Thermal schoolhouse, and is still visible near the Tribal Offices. Members of the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians are working toward revitalizing their Cahuilla language through Bird Singing and other programs. In Cahuilla, members call themselves Mau-Wal-Mah Su-Kutt Menyil, meaning "among the palms, deer moon.” Many medjool date palm orchards are farmed on Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians land. Members of the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians are working toward revitalizing their Cahuilla language through Bird Singing and other programs. 

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