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Wind River Hotel and Casino

Wind River Hotel and Casino Information

Located in the heart of Wyoming, Wind River Hotel and Casino provides visitors with the Ultimate Gaming Experience. As the largest casino in Wyoming, they are the only vacation destination in the state where you can stay, play and win! The newly opened hotel is within driving distance of all the great Wyoming hotspots such as Yellowstone National Park, The Grand Tetons and Jackson Hole. For more information please visit their website below.

The Northern Arapaho Experience Room, located off the lobby of the Wind River Hotel, tells the story of the Northern Arapaho people through paintings, pictures, video and artifacts, with an Arapaho elder often guiding visitors through the room as they share their tribe's history and culture. The walls are adorned with artifacts, painting, photographs and videos of the Arapaho Indians, a museum dedicated to the culture of the Northern Arapaho people of the Wind River Reservation. Call in advance for a schedule of Elders who share Arapaho storytelling.

Take a step back in time with the Native American Song & Dance. Every Tuesday evening during the summer months dancers and singers from the Arapaho and other tribes perform dances and tell stories unique to the Wind River Indian Reservation and the Plains Nation.

Enjoy your stay and take in the history, culture and lore of the region through the Northern Arapaho Experience.

Wind River Hotel and Casino

Travel information
  • Time Zone: Mountain Standard Time

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