Turns Around Celebration

Turns Around Celebration Information

The Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes Turns Around Celebration in Poplar, Montana, is a vibrant event that proudly showcases Native American culture and heritage. With a rich tapestry of traditions woven into its fabric, the Celebration brings together community members and visitors to partake in various cultural experiences. From the rhythmic beats of traditional drum groups to the mesmerizing movements of dancers adorned in vibrant regalia, the event resonates with the spirit of unity and pride as participants honor their ancestral roots through music, storytelling and dance.

Throughout the weekend-long festivities, attendees can immerse themselves in the rich oral traditions of the Native American peoples as elders and storytellers share myths, legends and histories passed down through generations. Against the backdrop of American Legion Park, the Turns Around Celebration serves not only as a platform for cultural expression but also as a vital thread that strengthens the bonds of community and fosters a deeper appreciation for the diverse tapestry of Native American heritage.

The Fort Peck Reservation is home to two American Indian Nations, each composed of numerous bands and divisions. The Turns Around Celebration is held on the third weekend of August. The Reservation is located in Montana's extreme northeast corner, on the Missouri River's north side.

Turns Around Celebration

Travel information
  • Time Zone: Mountain Standard Time

Event Dates

Starts: August 17, 2024

Ends: August 18, 2024

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