Oglala Lakota Living History Village

Oglala Lakota Living History Village Information

The Oglala Lakota Nation, the Pine Ridge Area Chamber of Commerce and their partners have recently introduced the new Oglala Lakota Living History Village. The village serves as an entry point to the beautiful landscapes of Badlands National Park and highlights the past and present culture and indigenous knowledge of Lakota Country. Visitors can hear Lakota voices—Lakota stories told by Lakota people--and begin to understand the movement of the land, and with it, the movement of the people.

The village is located in the midst of a land of great expanses—stark shapes and subtle colors of the Badlands and the natural habitat of the buffalo, the prairie dog, deer, antelope, coyotes and other Lakota “relatives.”

The Lakota people are one of the seven council fires: four Dakota bands of Mdewakanton, Wahpekute, Wahpeton, Sisseton, two Nakota bands of Yankton, Yanktonai and a Lakota band of Teton. The Lakota are known as an exceptionally strong tribe with legendary warriors.

Here, villagers share stories of battle and triumph with their younger generations as examples of how to overcome obstacles in this new era. The Tribe recognizes their warriors and leaders of today as scholars, entrepreneurs, artists, community outreach activists and role-models that live in all Lakota communities.

The Lakota culture is vibrant and alive with creative, expressive song and dance that connect them to their ancestors. It is this Indigenous Knowledge that aims to awaken humanity to become better caretakers of our Mother Earth.

The Lakota people are the voice of this land. Their connection to the land and their past, strengthens and leads them into a brighter future. Visitors can experience this powerful spirit and rich heritage when visiting The Oglala Lakota Living History Village.

Oglala Lakota Living History Village

Travel information
  • Time Zones: Central Standard Time, Mountain Standard Time

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Listing City Phone Web
Pine Ridge Area Chamber of Commerce Kyle, South Dakota 605-455-2685 pineridgechamber.com

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